Friday, September 26, 2008
two days
two days till all hell breaks loose.
it's saturday morning. and i should be sleeping. instead i'm accompanying my sis to try and get the call on 98.7.. but it's really hard to get through. well, i have time tomorrow to chiong at least 4 chapters of geog so that i'm ready for exams on tues.
i'm damn scared. this is the most scary exam i've ever done. and by far the one i have studied the most. even though peeps might say " you leaving liao, why work so hard?" well, influenced by my mum, i believe that whatever we do in whatever situation we are in, we should do to the best of our abilities. so i'm just doing my best.
barely even studied today. spent most of it sleeping. so tomorrow i'm gonna burn all the oil. last few days were fun studying with sabs, jelly, kequecs , kenneth and rae. well, doing work with them gets the job done, so wth. it's fun.
can't wait for exams to end. wanna watch hsm3!!!... good luck everyone (excluding all nerds)
sang at
2:32 AM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
from school
I'M POSTING THIS FROM SCHOOL!this is actually against the school rules but wth. i'm not really that great a counciller. probably gonna study with the others later, a not sleep in the afternoon again.
i'll post later tonight yea!
sang at
1:13 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
start the countdown
time to say your prays for exams. why not go for a mass dedicated ffor that? GO FOR THE EXAM MASS TOMORROW AT 3PM, HOLY SPIRIT MAIN CHURCH.
the week has been normal. besides loads of studying and revision for the final-years. haix... i'm super duper scared sia. i need to get and A1 average to do triple science. so if i dun do well, im screwed. yesterday evening had choir prac for the exam mass. there's gonna be one tonight too. anyway, me and glen left prac early cause of training in the main church. then after supper, i went home and watched spiderwick chronicles. my sis rents loads of movies since she already stopped school. just now watched august rush. really touching.
DEFINITELY MAYBE IS THE BOMB. it's really damn sad for the guy... andit sort of relates to me. haix... gotta study. good luck to everyone. peace
sang at
4:32 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
pray for us
morning tennis practice sucked. like crap. didn't play well lor. i mean like, i just couldn't concentrate. too much on my mind i guess. reached home at around 12.15. chiong bathe and eat, then left house at 12.45. slack in church until we went to matt's house for a little makan and rosary. after that went church to serve. it was quite interesting cause the L8 (me and nathan and the rest of the sec2s), would stand and had something like oath-taking. so me and nathan were standing on the altar like with everyone else, just on the altar. the cantor guy was damn cool. i think he was wearing super skiny jeans, cause he could reach really high notes, like a soprano shit la. funny sia.
school week starts tomorrow again. haix... i still got art to pass up by tuesday. hopefully, i have finished all my other homework for tomorrow.
LIVERPOOL BEAT MAN U 2-1!!! AND MAN U SCORED TWO GOALS!!! goal by tevez. GOAL BY WES BROWN INTO HIS OWN NET! THEN A BRLLIANT GOAL BY SUBSTITUTE RYAN BABEL TO FINISH THINGS OFF!!! i watched it at francis chee's house with my sis's batch of friends. thanks to his mom and that's she will have a lovely baby soon!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TIFFANY ANN CHOW!!! HOPE YOU HAVE A HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY! p.s. sorry for not telling you about me leaving singapore next year...
enjoy the monday blues everyone!
sang at
10:34 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
sacrifice for something else
suppose to serve mass yesterday... cause i was playing table tennis in school (yay!), i went home at 4+ and fell asleep on the couch AGAIN. my couch is just too comfy. woke up at like 5.30. btw, mass starts at 6. chiong bathe, left the house at 5.40. the bus never come until 5.50. in the end, i reach church, the bel just rang for mass beginning. CRAP. i walked out, then i saw sam ng. we went to prata house makan a bit, then i went home for dinner. what a waste of time.
today i thought i was sick in the morning, so i told my chinese teacher let me sleep during her class, then recess time i go check my temperature at the office. in the end, i didnt have fever. like shit la. wwatse time AGAIN. now i gotta copy notes from bernard... after school went home, then went with family to hi-tea at swissohotel. this place called equinox. damn shiok sia. the view was so damn good, i was staring out the window for 5 mins before i started eating. the restaurant is on the 70th floor, above all of the hotel rooms, so you gotta take a lift up that takes 30 seconds. danm fast. ear-popping pressure crap. the furnishing and all was nice, bt the food wasn't THAT good. no offence though. and the toilet was super far from the restaurant. you gotta walk down at least 1 and half floors down, then it's super secluded. i was damn shhocked when i saw a guy coming out from the cubicle. cause it seemed at though i was the only one there. scared me shitless. liiterally.
anyway, we went for mass. i served. then instead of going for training, i went to visit my grandparents. kena by father gerard a little, but not so bad.
tomorrow morning gonna play tennis with sis and francis. gotta sleep. night
sang at
11:00 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
how to know a girl likes you?
very important piece of information for GUYS & GIRLS!!! please take your time to take a look at it!!!
How to know a girl likes you? 1. Strike up a small conversation: If she is shy, the tone of her voice might be a little higher and she might start to play with her hair (smoothing it down, twirling, flipping) or adjusting her clothes. Another sign she likes you is if she laughs at a normally boring or stupid joke. (Though, don't be dumb and use bad jokes as a test or you'll just look like a comedic loser.) She may not be able to look you straight in the eye and she might giggle a lot.
2. Watch for signs of flirting: If she's flirting, she may be difficult to read. Flirtatious girls may flirt with guys who they consider to be just friends, and it can be misconstrued as a crush. Because most girls do not want to be obvious, the flirtatious ones might flirt with you a little bit less or they might flirt with you even more. Either way, don't "flirt around". Do not flirt with other girls. If she ever sees you putting your arm around another girl or sees another girl hug you, she may jump to conclusions and assume she doesn't mean anything to you.
3. Notice if she touches you more often than what other friends do: If she's constantly trying to touch your hand and finds excuses to do so, then you're probably on the right track. But conversely, don't assume that just because she isn't touching you that she doesn't like you. She may be too nervous of you to touch you yet. Break the touch barrier yourself.
4. Obverse how she looks at you (IMPORTANT!!!): If she like you, she will either hold it for a long time or pull away immediately. Either of these could mean that she likes you. If she pulls away quickly, it means she is nervous but she still likes you - which means that you should probably make the first move. If she holds the stare, then she is confident and she may make the first move. If you happen to glance at the girl and you see her staring back at you, then this means that she likes you, although she may quickly dart her head in a different direction. Look for her eyes to light up when she sees you or hears your name.
5. LOOK AT HER FRIENDS: If you see most of her friends glancing back at you and smiling or giggling, this means that she is telling her friends about you. If her friends are loud and immature, you'll hear "(your name), (her name) likes you!" Her friends might be making it up, however, just to tease her. When she is having a conversation with her friends, and you come over, she might stop talking all of a sudden. This likely means you were the subject of the recently ended conversation. If she likes you and she told her friends about you, they might come up to you and start a random conversation about things such as: Who would you rather date?, Who do you like better?, Who is the hottest?, and such. If they name a list of about 3 people and her name is in the list, she probably told her friends about you and they're trying to search for clues to see how you feel about her.
6. Look out for the damsel in distress: If you're outside and the girl you like is nearby and starts loudly saying "I'm cold!", that's a subtle hint that she wants you to give her your sweatshirt. This is a very sweet gesture, especially if you want to show the girl that you like her. If there are other guys and she likes one of those guys, however, she might act disappointed when you offer yours to her first, in which case at least you'll know how she feels and can move on. Sometimes a girl will pretend to be really bad at something, and say that they can't do it. That is your cue to offer some assistance, and she will most likely be doing this on purpose just to see your reaction.
7. SMILE AT HER: Do a natural smile - don't freak her out. If she smiles politely, or frowns and looks away, say goodbye to her. She is obviously freaked out by you. If she returns a soft or big smile and continues to look at you, then she is interested. If she smiles then darts over to the crowd of her friends and hides in the group then she may be nervous and curious if you know that she likes you.
this is a response to nat's post on: HOW TO KNOW GUYS ARE FLIRTING
peace to the world of chemistry! :)
sang at
10:33 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
RIOT TOTALLY ROCKED!!! (well, at least for those who enjoyed it)
not forgetting EXIT 9, jervis and IDDIE, THE HELLO CONSPIRACY!
and of course... TO BE CONFIRMED!!! (or TBC or TOI BONG CHAN) :))
sang six songs collide with kelly, then you and me by lifehouse and for you i will by teddy geiger. omg la. after two weeks, we actually pulled it off! justin and kenneth, you guys are AWESOME!
thanks to all the girls, including aris and some other guys, for supporting us! you guys were great.
thanks matt, bryan, brandon, and of course, jacque! for helping us practice during our last hour of practice.
thanks rae, kelly, sabrina and esther for the sign! and support!
and thanks to all who came! thanks for taking time to wattch the performance and rock with us!
so today i was in church(like not even going out to 7-11 or anything) from 8+ to 7. woah. a full 11 hours of fun with god and friends.
at mass, was trying not to laugh looking down at all the L8s and L9s from the altar! almost laugh at the last part. rae was like WIDENING her eyes at me, so i WIDENED my eyes back at her and ended up almost laughing while father andrew was saying the expected mothers prayer.
after mass, went to grandparents' place for dinner. then i watched CAMP ROCK there!!! since i had dun have disney channel, i was watching there. the songs damn nice sia. must go buy the cd!
i wanna remember this day like a piece of paper... then fold it up and put itt in my box of sweet memories!
sang at
10:52 PM
Friday, September 5, 2008
second last party of september
just came back from leonie's house. from the athenarts post-perfomance party. at itt wass FUN. met iris and shanice at newton station at 8:30am. then we cabbed down to the place. and yes, it was sort of a MORNING party. haha. played Wii sports. lost BADLY to ben. like in every sport. sucks man. then played some guitar. then went to the playground. damn funny. on the "spiderweb" thing, rachael was bouncing on it like mad, then shanice was like damn scared! haha... then took some photos, then went back play more guitar and sing song. then let rachael listen to my song... RACHAEL! MUST TELL ME AH!!! watch this damm funny movie called police academy... and before we knew it, it was time to go. THANKS A LOT TO AUNTY PHINE FOR EVERYTHING!
later gotta go for practice at 3 in church. tomorrow is RIOT! FOR A CAUSE. really excited sia. dun miss it!
sang at
2:11 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
a weekend of ending and beginning...
today was totally slack, cause i woke up at 12+ and watched two movies until 5+, so i can't say much. except: WHAT A WAY TO START THE HOLIDAYS! :)
saturday was a really really fun day! my whole family went out in the morning leaving me at home alone, then i went out to eat lunch with sabrina. and i was late. so sorry sabs... anyway, then we went to pelangi home for the final sports day... SO SAD!!! so after like an hour and half of playing games, JENARIS HOME BEAT MERANTI!!! IN YOUR FACES!!! ha. they tried their best, but failed to triumph over us. then i asked one of the uncles where uncle jim was(my first friend made at the home), and he said that he just came out of hospital after bring diagnosed with diabetes... so he was resting at the rooms. so later on i went to visit him and took a picture with him! haix... i'm going to write a letter to him later on. walao. really gonna miss him sia.

after evening mass, went with jie to the rciy and fuel party at jervis' house. it was also leonard's birthday, so they threw him into the pool too! haha... damn funny. they like chased him to the third floor then dragged him down to the pool...
sunday started out shitty with tennis practice cancelled cause of rain. then hi-tea with family was cancelled, so i rushed down to church for my first band practice with kenneth and justin, a week before performance. and we dun even have a name yet. so like wtf. i hope we dont screw up the RIOT! performance. PLEASE GO!!! ONLY $10 FOR A TICKET!!! GOT A LOT OF DAMN GOOD BANDS!!! so after that, i followed them to lunch at thomson plaza, then went to the club play tennis with jie for an hour. later met up with kor for dinner at casuarina.
tiring day... and i gotta get ready for exams in 5 weeks!!!
sang at
9:03 PM Â |
holy spirit church
-ps3 wii
-to write more songs
-his own camera
-his friends to remember him forever
-to stay in singapore for confirmation
-to sing forevermore
-to have a second chance
-to have his first kiss
hit counter.
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amelia monteiro.
charmaine teo.
claire goh.
gabriel tan.
ian mui.
joel lim.
jon leong.
jon tan.
kenneth toi.
nat aka pika.
nat aka. the younger one
rachel chua.
student council.
tiffany cuz.
aphrodisiac |