Monday, June 29, 2009
sorry for not posting for a while. a lot of stuff happened in uk which i'm not oblidged to say. it's sorta a secret so sorry.anyways, i'm perfectly fine though i've been quarantined FROM SCHOOL(aha! i can still go out!). okay fine la. i might still carry the virus all that crap so i'll stay home for a few moore days. and PLEASE don't think that it's an extra week of hols for me. i have freaking homework to do from my school's website and all that. haix... but it's sort of a blessing in disguise cause i haven't finished my holiday homework. haha
sang at
12:30 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
June Hols 2009: Day 2
Hello again! i was damn tired yesterday night after dinner, so i just dropped dead at my bed and now i have a cold! :( anyway, this is what happened yesterday!
went for mass in the morning and there was first holy communion going on! haha... like some god- fated thing. anyway, the mass parts were damn cute and they're versions are almost totally different from ours back in s'pore. from there, went to anne hathaway's cottage + garden. OMG. while we were walking there, WE SAW TWO BIRDS MATING!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! too bad we couldn't get a picture... and OMG!!! the place is HUGE! oh btw, she's shakespear's wife. for some reason, there was some japanese school high school kids also there for a very far away excursion. my bro and i wanted to test out our jap skills, but we decided not to embarrass ourselves...
went to shakespear's birthplace(his first house) next in town. it's kinda huge also. not really interesting though. then we went to this magic shop thing. it has this sorta magic history place at the back and upstairs. well basically, it was their kind of haunted house. they gave us a booklet to tell the story, and we had a "candle" to light the way cause it's REALLY dark. if you know me well enough, you know i can't take this kinda shit. but i got dragged in i guessed. there are really no words to descirbe that place, but if you got the thrills for a scare, i suggest you go there if you visit UK.
had some tea after that, then we went to thomas nash's house. he's the husband of shakespear's last descendant, his granddaughter elizabeth. they also talked about new place and it's history, which is shakespear's residence in startford when he was 33. we couldn't see the place cause it was demolished, but the area was HUGE! the guy said that there was 22 fireplaces in the house(about the number of rooms) so you can imagine.
went back to the guest house to slack, then we went out for dinner in the evening. we're leaving today for LIVERPOOL!!! while going to lake district. can't wait!!! btw, the time is according to singapore, so just minus 7 hours to know the time!
sang at
1:29 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
June Hols 2009: Day 1
PHEW! this is Gerard Bong reporting live from SHAKESPEAR TOWN!!! yay! there's internet here!
just spent 13 hours on an A380-800 plane directly from changi to heathrow airport in london. watched 3 movies on the plane (although i was suppose to do homework :P)! the watchmen was awesome! race to witch mountain was kinda fun! AND 40-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN WAS DAMN FUNNY!!! (and damn horny. guys please don't watch with girls)
so, when we were landing, the view from the window was awesome. i found out that the clouds have 3 layers, and it's super cool to see the sun rays shining through the gaps in the clouds. and i could see wembley stadium from the plane!! WOOHOO!!
anyway, we got our rental station wagon and drove to shakespear town. it's his hometown and where he lived with his wife. kinda slept in the car so we were already looking for our hotel when i awoke. well, it's actually a guest house. when we found it, we sorta overshot and the car's reverse gear(it's a manual) had a glitch. so we got out and pushed to car!!! DAMN FUN LA!!!
in my room now. it's kinda freaky cause it's like small and i'm staying with my bro and it kinda freaks me out. tomorrow gonna tour the town! take care till then!
sang at
6:04 AM
Friday, June 12, 2009
that i love you
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! it's 5.42PMAM and i just finished composing a song!!! YAY!!! i'm like so uber-happy 'cause i've been trying to write a song for ages and i just couldn't figure something out. thanks loads to ryan. you're my(sorta) inspiration for the song. THANKS!
haha. and if those people who REALLY read my blog well, you'll notice that my titles are COMPLETE! starting from the 17th april post to now, it's my random song made with nathan playing his awesome guitar. maybe it's some sort of sign LOL!
now i'm gonna start using my new song! oh. i'm leaving to london on saturday(tomorrow) afternoon... WAH!!! i'll call you guys at the airport before i go! i'll miss you guys very very very very very very very very very very... ah you get it. VERY MUCH!!! but i possibly can still msn there... take cares yea!
sang at
5:42 AM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
one more chance to show you
sorry for not posting for a while...
yesterday was... well. uh. funny(?) lesson with iris at 10. finished at 11. so i had 1hr 45mins to kill. so i went to bishan. watched some anime movie on my com(thank god i brought it) then mrt-ed back to dhoby ghaut. now the fun part: i went to the north-east line part of the station(as i was told). first i met rachael. then we spent 30mins looking for the rest of the people. amelia was like "GO TO THIS FASHION AND WAIT FOR US". so we waited for 15mins. then they called us again "WHERE ARE YOU???""we are outside this fashion..." that's when we figured out that they were on the morth-south side of the travellator and there was another this fashion there... so there was nick, alvina, amelia and desiree all there... like wtf.
anyway, we met up with joshua and went to cineleisure to buy the tickets, lunch-ed at pastamania(camwhoring HAHA. sorry no pics), then went to watch the movie. okay. i thought hannah montana was lame but it's okay la. I WANT TO LEARN THE DANCE STEPS FOR THE HOEDOWN PART. funny sia.
after that, we went to kinokuniya(the bookstore) for some books and magazines... and i actually bought A BOOK! like OMG. looks interesting... about some doctor in the 1890s. well whatever. went around taka for a bit. ended up at greeps(?) can't remember the spelling. didnt wanna eat anything HEAVY cause i had dinner at home. so we ordered this ice cream things that was on a buy one get one free offer. BIG MISTAKE. damn it was BIG. like this big:

 omg la. haha.
took us a while but we finished it. oh right. they gave us straws so we figured out they actually floats. after amelia and joshua left, me and nick had a competition to see who can drink the fastest. i'm sorry to the ppl who made the floats, but the drink tasted like crap. rachael was like "okay okay. the winner gets alvina!" so we started drinking. i was kinda cheating cause i was holding my nose shut so it wouldn't be too bad. suddenly rachael was like "the winner gets desiree!!" OMG. we both stopped and started coughing like shit(and laughing). "the loser gets desiree!" CHIONG AH!!! walao damn funny. god i tell you. my stomach felt damn bad after that.
we all mrt-ed home after that and i was late. my mum didn't scold me too bad, but when i went to shit after dinner, i had DIARRHEA. thanks rachael. omg damn pain. but what the heck it was fun.
oh. i'm grounded
sabrina's suprise party on friday was F-U-N to plan. didn't go too well on the day itself, but nvm... FINAL DESTINATION 2 MUST BE COMPLETED by the hols!!!
sang at
2:40 PM Â |
holy spirit church
-ps3 wii
-to write more songs
-his own camera
-his friends to remember him forever
-to stay in singapore for confirmation
-to sing forevermore
-to have a second chance
-to have his first kiss
hit counter.
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amelia monteiro.
charmaine teo.
claire goh.
gabriel tan.
ian mui.
joel lim.
jon leong.
jon tan.
kenneth toi.
nat aka pika.
nat aka. the younger one
rachel chua.
student council.
tiffany cuz.
aphrodisiac |